#07 Letters - Acorn Campaign


Now let's talk about letters, with every stitched acorn, I'd love you to send in a letter to accompany it. This campaign is all about connections, that could be with people around you, with your inner creative power, or with people across the world that you've never met!


For the letter please could you:

- Write in black ink

- Write on one side of paper, no bigger than A4

- Address the letter to Lou, Hugo and The MM Acorn Team 

- Date your letter 

  • Write where you're from (Please don't write your address - these will be publicly displayed!)
  • Use these hashtags on all posts regarding Lou’s cape campaign of creative courage to get involved:

    #stitchanacorn #acornarmy #marchmonthouse #flyingacorns #capeofcreativepurpose #lougardiner #comeflywithme #communityacornproject