#10 ‘Drawing Research at Marchmont House’

Drawing at MM has been an utter treat. It's rare that I get the opportunity (in fact I don't think I have since I was 18 and on an Art Foundation course at Manchester Met) to go out with a sketch book and pens and just absorb myself in nature. I was always too busy to casually sketch and indulge in relaxing creativity. However when I was slowly recovering from being very poorly indeed in the spring of 2021, in the first 12 months of my immunotherapy trial, slowly I started to immerse myself in nature and study it.  

Inspired by spikey hedgerows. Growth is sometimes awkward and challenging but in hardship and adversity there is always the opportunity for it. Embrace and surrender to the challenge. 

The designing is possibly the most important stage and as its the first embroidery I’ve done in ages I have to be happy with it. And fingers crossed everyone else will be happy too…. Especially my lovely client HB who has given me the support and encouragement to create something magical. It takes time to conjure the personal permission to create magic but it’s something we all need to nurture … self belief and faith in life’s infinite possibilities to be quite amazing.
Deep breath … and back in I go. (SHERRY!!!!!) 

I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping a sketch book and visiting MM. I love the pure air, the calm, the size of the sky and the sounds of the birds. It reminds me a little of our family farm which I was so very sad to leave in 2019. The place has become a good friend and a restful yet industrious sanctuary where I can explore my drawing ability and my healing at the same time. 

Lost in lichen at the stunning Marchmont House in the gorgeous blossom garden which is utterly dreamy. 

Loving filling my sketch book with lots of linear scratchy, splotchy and energetic drawing for the first time in years. I usually bypass this stage and go straight to big ideas on big sheets of paper but the attention to detail is giving me time to think and plan with care. 

A big step in the journey towards the Cape of Creative Power was this pinboard right here!

Mr B created a large pinboard for me and it is now a little like a game of Tetris - a forever changing moving body of natural chaos and imagery .... letting it all subconsciously eb and flow into my mind and slowly form a huge manner of styles and workings out; colours, shapes, forms, grids and patterns.

Rather overwhelming - allowing myself the absolutely luxurious concept of ‘time to think’ rather than force anything. Don’t panic. Don’t panic Louiji - trust that this will happen against the odds. Don’t force anything... just keep fuelling the engine and a cape will be born !!

Use these hashtags on all posts regarding Lou’s cape campaign of creative courage to get involved:

#stitchanacorn #acornarmy #marchmonthouse #flyingacorns #capeofcreativepurpose #lougardiner #comeflywithme #communityacornproject