#16 'In the Tower of Creative Power at MM Feb'

Here’s me in my TURRET. How many drawings does ‘one’ need before ‘one’ says …ENOUGH! Now is the time to start building and of course there may be gaps but there’s only one way to find out! Two more days of drawing, cutting, walking and sketching… then I’m drawing a line in the sand and after my treatment break next week I’m going to start the build… layer upon layer of collating and collaging all the bits together.

The beautiful ceiling of the Tower of Creative Power… it’s been a stormy windy day outside, flying wet snow. 

I’ve done a long day and realised (well remembered) that there’s never a right way or a wrong way - just a way…

During my February stay this year 2022, in-between my immunotherapy treatments which lasted for 18 months, I immersed myself in nature and faced my creative block. Slowly and painfully I looked it right in the eye and said 'Come on Tiger!'


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#stitchanacorn #acornarmy #marchmonthouse #flyingacorns #capeofcreativepurpose #lougardiner #comeflywithme #communityacornproject